Ultramagic Youth Summer Camp 2022

Přijměte prosím pozvánku od továrny Ultramagic na kemp pro mladé příznivce balónového létání.

„Dear Balloonist,

       We invite you to attend our event, the Ultramagic Youth Summer Camp. The event is open to 8 international teams and will be held in Igualada (BARCELONA) from 11th to 15th of July. There are planned a total of 4 flights in the morning and several visits (beach, Montserrat mountain…) in the afternoons to enjoy and share time together. All applications must be accompanied by the entry fee and will be accepted on a first come-first served basis by country. The entry closing date is May 31st. You are also welcomed if you wish to participate as crew member, we will assign you to a team upon arrival. You are kindly asked to share this information with your ballooning friends and please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Soft landings,

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