Hello all our ballooning friends!!
It is with great pleasure that we write to you today to invite you to share with us our next year’s event “Italian International Balloon Grand Prix 2023”and inform you that our updated web-site is now online and ready for you all to officially register your participation if it is your intention to honour us with your participation.
As you know our event is held during the height of the summer season so once again we are even more confident that many teams will join us this year in consideration that the Covid-19 pandemic situation has greatly improved allowing free travel between countries as the national vacination programmes have resulted very successful.
So, for the teams who are still a little undecided on their eventual attendance this year and did not attend our past three very successful “Pandemic year” events, we reach out once again to invite you to TODI /Gualdo Cattaneo as we will have organised another very enjoyable and relaxed event and we are sure you will return home, after this year’s event, happy you took the decision to attend during the year 2023.!!
We have attached to this a copy of the Official Entry /Registration form and Accommodation Reservation Form although it is possible to download the various forms from our website and once completed we ask you return them to us as soon as possible so that we can confirm your entry, but until then, we wish you all the very best, take care and keep safe. www.sagrantinocup.it
Kindest regards,
PS. For your information there are many accommodation facilities in our area to satisfy all your needs and can be found on the internet with our website should you choose to reserve your accommodation somewhere other than those illustrated on our “Affiliated Accommodations” page. (By clicking either or both of the two options “Todi” / “Gualdo Cattaneo”.
+39 340 2295461
Head Office:
Villa Gonzaga
Viale Primo Maggio, 23
TODI 06059 (Pg) Italy.
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